Adventures with Art. An Artistic Deep Dive AKA: A Decent Docent Descent
Trip Details
Last week was our first Deep Dive. To start out with a good splash we visited to
The D'Orsay https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/musée-d’orsay-paris/KQEnDge3UJkVmw
With a focus on this part of the collections
And then after an intermission we whisked off to San Diego Museum of Art for a nice walk in the sun of California Plein Air
All in all a fun social evening where we accidentally learn something together.
So we are gonna do it again. Different place. Different theme.
Schedule (note: times are PST)
7:00-8:00 pm: Open Arrival and Open Social. Chit and Chat
7:45-8:00 pm: A little bit of Intro.
8:00-8:45 pm: Location ONE
8:45-9:15 pm: Intermission and Refreshments. Chit and Chat
9:15-10:00 pm: Location TWO
What does that mean?
It means the main program will start sharp at 8PM. You will need to be ready to go and there BEFORE 8.
Ideally . . . you should be there at least by 7:45PM.
However . . . The ZOOM will be open starting at 7. Folks will be there and be social and chit and chat. (Spoiler alert: the social thing is kinda important).
OK . . . How do I get to go?
To Join The Event you MUST fill out this form/link so we have your correct email to email you the Zoom Link on the day of the event. It also asks some other things too.
To Join The Event you MUST fill out this form/link (Yes. We did say this twice)
This is all sounds great. How much does it cost?
Oh yes . . . The cost is FREE!
That's a bargain even at twice the price!!!!
So why not splurge and come and share your time with us.
I know. You just read this whole thing and you are saying to yourself . . ."Self, . . . exactly what will they be covering or doing?"
And the answer is simple. at 7:45 we will do some intros of where/what, and at 8 we dive right in.
For an online event hopefully you will feel as if you have visited far off places and times. And maybe even see yourself in the those places and scenes.
We have been watching other artsy fartsy things being done. They tend to be essentially a power point. When it says "lecture" you better run!! There is no dynamic discussion or engagement. No interaction and no social.
AND . . . Most of all . . you really don't visit a place or meet the other people.
Just like anything else we do . . . ours will be different.
We will come out the other side richer for the experience.
Yes. This does mean there is no canned script.
Wait!! I just read this and I still do not know where to go. When will I know what places?
On the day of the event you will get an email 2 or 3 hours before the event. It will give all that info, plus some other zingers too.
For those not aware I do have classical art training, as well as years of working within the art industry with curators, conservators, collectors, artists, museums, studios and institutions. So we will make this all very worthwhile.
Our last one had about 70 folks show. Super fun. This event is cross posted to several like-minded groups.
The main place coordinating is
Good idea to RSVP there as that's where any good comments and conversations get posted.
Join us in this Art Adventure Social Soiree. Make some friends while learning and sharing, and sharing some learning.
IF you went to our last one you do not need to re-fill-out the google form.